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Wayan Arcana, Launch Your Hospital Career 

“I live in Inverloch and was looking to get a job in the healthcare industry. I learned about this program through a course information flyer. This course was free for residents and citizens. At the time of applying, I was not eligible for a funded place, but I decided to enrol as a full-fee-paying student. Fortunately, CCG was able to secure a scholarship for me through Latrobe Community Health Services to cover my fees. 

I travelled over four hours daily using public transport, switching between buses and trains from Inverloch, Wonthaggi, and Morwell to arrive at Warragul, simply because I enjoyed the course so much.  

This course helped me build my confidence and grow my understanding of healthcare environments. I like the way the trainers’ teaching style, which was very helpful for someone like me who speaks English as a second language. Getting the opportunity to learn on-site at the Warragul Hospital was the highlight of my experience because I could see how everything worked. 

As a result of the course, I demonstrated improved skills in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, self-management, planning and organising and technology. The resume writing and interview skills I acquired enabled me to secure Wonthaggi Hospital, Bass Coast Health.  

I would say that this course is worthwhile if you want to start working in the health sector, I’m so grateful to be part of this.” 
