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Tony Mensfeld, Launch your hospital career 

“Before I was offered a place in the Launch Your Hospital Career 2024 program, my life was at a crossroads. I felt disheartened by negative experiences with support services and questioned my self-worth and everything about employment-related. I was overwhelmed by thoughts of yet another round of endless unsuccessful job applications and interviews. At my age, finding my place in the workforce again felt daunting. 

I had previously considered a career path in healthcare, but my lack of qualifications and experience undermined in pursuit of that vocation. When I saw a Facebook post about the ‘Launch Your Hospital Career’ program, I was encouraged to learn that there were no prerequisites other than completing a literacy and numeracy assessment. Taking a leap of faith, I filled out the 20-second online enquiry form, which changed my life. 

The most valuable aspect of this experience was the skill and commitment of the trainers and educators from Community College Gippsland (CCG) and West Gippsland Healthcare Group (WGHG). They made every student feel welcome and a part of something special, ensuring that each of us had an equal opportunity to engage, learn and contribute. Their efforts were instrumental in raising our employability and preparing us as potential candidates for employment with WGHG. The training and the information sessions at Warragul Hospital kept the overall experience interesting and engaging. 

I learnt that you are never too old to learn or try new things. You have nothing to fear. Be brave, take a chance and enjoy the journey.” 
