Annual Appeal Update
Warragul Sensory Space
The Sensory Space appeal is designed to create a calming and therapeutic environment for our students. We are proud to share the completion of our Warragul sensory space, as a collective effort by our ECG students and the VDSS students, who have been actively engaged in this project from start to finish. They have been involved in codesigning, pitching their ideas, creating budgets, planting, setting up the gazebo, and creating mosaic steppingstones. This space will be greatly appreciated by our learning community, as it is designed by students for students to visit in times of stress or when they need a calming space to reset.
We would like to give a special shout out to Jana Group for their contribution to our budget and to Tom from Fine Cut Landscaping for his help in finishing off the project!
Leongatha Sensory Space
With the completion of the Warragul sensory space, our focus has now shifted to bringing the Leongatha sensory space to life.
The Leongatha campus has recently underwent a significant demolition process, leaving the campus grounds looking uninspiring. Our students saw an opportunity to transform the grounds into a sanctuary. This project aims to create a tranquil environment for resting and relaxing. The students are currently in the design phase bringing together their inspirational ideas for the campus grounds.